NIR Theory: Shining Light on the DA7250
25. Juni 2020, 11:00 bis 12:00
An introduction to several basic concepts of light, and how those concepts are applied inside the DA7250 instrument. We’ll follow the path the light takes from the bulb, to the sample, and back into the instrument. The information is presented in a fun way to take the learner on an enjoyable journey, while at the same time, highlighting a few practical take-aways for those with a DA7250 and those considering one.
Register: NIR Theroy: Shining light on the DA 7250
Available Calibrations for the PerkinElmer Diode Array NIR Instruments
2. Juli 2020, 11:00 bis 12:00
Reliable and accurate calibrations play a vital role in NIR analysis. With emphasis on food, feed, and related agricultural industries, this webinar will share the importance and benefits of keeping your NIR calibration models up to date. Currently available calibration packages for PerkinElmer’s DA (diode-array) NIR analyzers will be introduced, highlighting most recent advancements, particularly for the dairy and feed industries.
Register: Available Calibrations for Diode Array Instruments